United And Here To Stay

Pastor Charles Hunt "Somebody better hold my mule; I'm fixing to shout!" When Charles Hunt the pastor at Woodland Hills Baptist Church in Longview, Texas said those words during his sermon, I smiled. I knew something important would come next. Many times, he shares a joke or tells a story that goes along with what he's preaching. Always his focus is on the Gospel of the Bible and leading people to Christ. When he throws in a saying or two, people chuckle. Their ears perk up, and they listen for what comes next. Many people don't realize a lot of common sayings we use every day come from the Bible. I have compiled a few in the following poem. United And Here to Stay. America the great has started to fall by the wayside. The fly in the ointment is people have lost their pride. The land of milk and honey no longer exists. There's a wolf in sheep's clothing and that's the twist. ...