The Perfect Answer
The Westbrook Family Roy and Lisa have 9 children and 12 grandchildren. How does one prepare for the death of a child? When my oldest child Alan died, we think he just went to sleep and didn't suffer. The story was different for my next to the oldest child Roy. He had an incurable brain disease that began to surface many months before his death. Even in his sickness he kept his sense of humor. Many times, he told his sister Jesus is coming. The answer to my question is one is never fully prepared for the death of their child. According to Hebrews 11:1, NKJV, "Faith is the expectation of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." I do have hope that one day I will be with them again in heaven. The Perfect Answer. The little boy asked his mom "Where do we go when we die? The Bible says believers go to Heaven, but I don't understand why." She questioned him the reason he asked and if he was afraid. "No, but my ...