A Gift

The Westbrook Clan Volunteer work can give a person a since of purpose. Maybe that's why I signed up to be a Candy Striper at a local hospital. When a patient asked me my reason for being there, the answer was easy. I said, "To help people." Yes, I could deliver juice to patients and help in other ways. One day I saw a nurse coming toward me in the hall carrying something in her hand. She motioned for me to follow her. After we went into a nearby room, she began unwrapping a tiny, aborted baby. It was fully developed and looked like a little doll. Stunned, I stood there starring at the lifeless body. A sadness that is hard to describe filled my heart. After a few quiet moments, we left the room going our separate ways. That day changed how I felt about being there. After one hundred hours of volunteering, I moved on to other things. A Gift Life begins in the mother's womb. It becomes a precious baby soon. This is ...