The Shoe Man

Chilton W. McPheeters

   Each person has a gift in life.  Sometimes it's hard to know what it might be.  Unusual gifts are easy to spot,  Take for instance a man I know who buys shoes for people.  It doesn't matter who they are. If you need shoes I suggest you look him up. He will smile at you and insist you go with him to the shoe store.

The Shoe Man

I know a man who likes to buy shoes.

He counts by ones and sometimes twos.

His kindness is great for your weary feet.

They are so grateful for the wonderful treat. 

So, look out for the man with a smile on his face.

He's waiting for you to slow down your pace.

Then, into the store you both will go.

How many pairs he'll buy, I don't know.

                      Patricia Westbrook


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