Special Gifts

      During the Thanksgiving holidays, my youngest son, Robert, asked me what I thought of the television set they had recently purchased.  I commented, "It looks great.  It takes five to eight minutes for the lines to go away on mine.  When it goes out, I plan on getting a sixty-five or seventy inch."
     Little did I know what Robert and his wife, Cecilia, planned for me. The very next Saturday they knocked on my front door.  To my surprise there they stood with a seventy inch television. Because of the words I had spoken, they bought the bigger TV instead of the fifty-five inch they intended to get.. Their youngest son, Shane, bought me a sterling tobacco barn door TV stand to put it on.
     Overwhelmed I  struggled on what to say. How can I accept such an extravagant gift with grace?  Then I remembered what my middle son, Roy, once said,  "Don't take away the blessings someone receives from giving. Just say thank you and let them be blessed."So thank you dear ones. I love you."

 Special Gifts

 Special gifts are given in many different ways.

They can be something seen or a word of praise.  

A helping hand or a silent prayer means you care. 

Listening to others is a gift  when they need to share.

The most special gift of all came from heaven above. 

God sent his precious Son because of his love.

Jesus is his name and he came for you and me.

Just accept him in your heart and he will set you free.

Your life will change and be different than before.

You'll have joy, love, blessings, and oh so much more.

                                               Patricia Westbrook

     "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."   John 3:16 (NIV)


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