Back to School

Dlana Westbrook Pate
- Diana Westbrook Pate -

     Never before in our lifetime have teachers had to worry about a virus affecting their ability to teach. COVID-19 has changed everything. In the past, safety at school was a given. Today the teacher's smiles have been replaced with a mask. Diana Westbrook Pate, as well as all teachers, are concerned about safety.  Even with her concerns, she is headed back to school in the fall. Our prayers are with the teachers and students during this unusual time.

Back to School

It's finally time to go back to school.

In some places that won't be the rule.

Many teachers will put on a mask and go.

Others will flatly say, "I don't think so."

Now with children it will be another matter.

One can tell what they want from their chatter.

Some want to go back and be with their friends.

Others could care less and wish school would end.

With all this crazy, chaotic, frenzy, learning is lost.

So, kick COVID-19 aside and show who's boss.

Go back to school and ask for God's protection,

Or learn at home if that's your preferred direction.

                                      Patricia Westbrook




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