A True Friend


     As darkness settled in, the night was perfect for an adventure for four East Texas boys.  However not the one my son, Roy, expected. It all started when he and another sixth grader went to spend the night with two brothers. As three of them erected a tent in the back yard, one of the brothers threw a green plum at a passing car.  Minutes later, a squad car drove by.  When the police used a spot light to search the area, Roy and two of the boys hid behind a boat and trailer. The one who threw the plum ran into the darkness out of sight.

    At Roy's next baseball game, the mother of his friend  who threw the plum asked if I heard what happened.  I shook my head no.  She smiled and preceded to tell me. Later I asked Roy about the incident.  He told me the same story then said,  "I knew the boy was wrong. When the mother said he could do what he wanted to just don't get caught, I knew she was wrong too. That's not what I've been taught."  

    As an adult, Roy says that night is when he realized he needed to choose his friends wisely.

A True Friend

I've been blessed with a friend so true.

If you want, Jesus can be your friend too.

People are judged by the friends they keep.

My Friend is the one you need to seek.

Since I believe He lives in my heart today

I now have a Guide as I travel life's way.

The Holy Spirit is offered to you and me. 

 Won't you accept my Friend and be set free.

                            Patricia Westbrook

"If you love me, keep My commands, and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to be with you forever---the Spirit of Truth."  (John 14:15,16,17, NIV).


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