The Words You Speak

     There are times in life when a little boost is a good thing.  In order to help my son with the subjects he struggled with in school, I took him to a local Learning Center over the summer before his tenth- grade. When he returned to school that fall, to his surprise, one of the teachers from the center was teaching his class. One day, she started making fun of a special needs girl.  It bothered him so much he spoke up, "We need to go to the hall."  He had to repeat the request several times before she went with him.  Once there, she fussed at him for interrupting the class. After she calmed down, he replied, "You're the teacher; you know better.  The kids make fun of her all the time, and here you are doing the same thing."  The conversation ended there, and they returned to the room.

     Later my husband and I received a letter from the teacher.  From what she wrote, I realized she had learned a good life lesson from my son.  

The Words You Speak

Words are powerful, they can build a person up or tear them down.

The impact they have causes one to wear a smile or a frown.

So, if you have something to say, make sure you've thought it through.

Because if you don't, the words you speak may come back to haunt you.

                                                    Patricia Westbrook

             "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver" (Proverbs 25:11, NKJV).



  1. This is so fitting and a great reminder as we can all be keyboard quarterbacks with today’s Social media posts, and because we do not see the recipient, we also do not see the hurt it causes. Thank You Aunt Pat for the reminder.


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