
     The last thing I expected to see when I entered the doctor's office was two policemen.  They stood just inside the room talking to a nurse.  I walked around them to the receptionist desk and checked in. After I sat down in the waiting room, I noticed a man sitting across from me wearing what looked like striped pajamas.  When I saw the shackles on his feet, I knew he had a problem.  With a bowed head, he seemed dejected.  That is when I remembered a conversation, I had with God earlier.  I told Him if he wanted me to say something to someone about Him I would.  Without thinking I said, "Sir, Jesus loves you," The man looked up at me with a big smile on his face.  He replied, "Thank you ma'am." 


Words have a way of lifting a person up or tearing them down.

The power they have can make them smile or cause them to frown.

Always remember no matter who you talk to be careful what you say.

Quite possible the words may come back to haunt you on any given day.

The tongue can be sharp and quiet mean when it seeks to destroy.

It can twist and hide the truth when its purpose is to be coy.

When you speak with kindness and love, you'll have joy in your life.

It's the principle of God's universe so you will live with less strife.

                                               Patricia Westbrook 

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."  (Ephesians 4:29, NKJV).



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