State of Mind

JT Westbrook

    Being covered in dirt from head to toe is one of the hazards of being a bulldozer operator. Not
only that, at times, the pay only covered necessities. My husband worked hard for our family. and it was appreciated.

      In order not to strain our budget, I did my best to fulfill our children's sweet tooth. I would dip rose petals in peanut butter mixed with honey instead of buying candy.  Sugar, water, and vanilla slowly cooked to a caramel state then added to whipped egg whites became their favorite treat.  They called it calf slobber. If I made a cake and we didn't have any milk, I used a can of pumpkin for the liquid. Once a cake recipe called for sour cream.  Instead of going to the store, I found a package of powdered sour cream in the cabinet and used that. When I poured it in the batter, I realized it had garlic in it.  For fun I added food coloring to the icing.  The cake turned out purple with a garlic taste.  The children loved it.

     Looking back, those days are some of my happiest memories.  We didn't need a lot of money to be happy.  

     State of Mind

Happiness can be a state of mind.

It isn't very hard to find.

Relax, let your inner child free.

Dance through life, and just be.

As you go at your pace.

Put a smile on your face.

Sing the song only you sing.

Life happens with what you bring.

So, spread Joy along the way.

Make happiness happen each blessed day.

                 Patricia Westbrook


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