Beneath The Surface

     Oh. you poor thing. You're going to die if someone doesn't water you. Or so I thought standing in the church foyer in front of a large potted plant.  Its leaves drooped almost to the floor. In order to prevent its inevitable death, I poured six cups of water on it.  I then proceeded to the sanctuary for the morning service.  A few minutes later a man tapped me on the shoulder and said, "The water you put on the plant is now on the floor."  When I rushed to clean it up, a kind lady had already begun to mop.  While I helped her, two men watched and commented, "Who would do such a thing?"  Embarrassed I mumbled, "I did."  Their laughter bounced off the walls as they walked away. 

Beneath the surface

At church a plant in a pot had droopy leaves.

An old man walked by with shaky knees.

He looked at the plant, and he thought.

Do I need to help this poor thing or not?

The dirt may be dry surrounding its roots.

 It looks like no one here gives a hoot. 

The old man needed to be on his way.

He decided to check on the plant another day.

When he did, to his surprise, the plant had flourished.

It had been loved, taken care of, and fully nourished.

Like the plant, when Christ is invited into our heart,

We are loved and nourished from the very start.  

                                 Patricia Westbrook

     "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16, NKJV).





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