The Marriage Song

     After almost twenty-two years of marriage, my husband and I decided to get a divorce. Two years later we reconciled and decided to remarry.  Wanting to get married quickly, we asked the pastor that officiated our daughter's wedding ceremony, in Waco, Texas, if he would marry us. After he agreed, we drove to his house in Gladewater. Texas, only six miles away.
     When we arrived at his home, he had us sit on his couch while he proceeded to give us forty-five minutes of marriage counseling.  We wondered why he would counsel us since it wasn't our first time to get married. Afterwards he asked, "Would you mind if my guests watch your wedding?"  My husband answered, "I'd rather they didn't."
     The pastor said, "It's your daughter's in-laws.  They are taking their daughter's wedding flowers and decorations to her in Houston.  On their way, they stopped by here for a couple of days."
     With a change of heart, my husband said, "Sure they can."
     Once they had been given an okay, the pastor's wife and my daughter's in-laws suddenly filled the room with joyous and hurried activity.  They decorated it with flowers as though something very special was about to happen. When they set the table, we understood the delay that had taken place. The pastor had stalled us to give them time to buy the cake, punch, and paper plates. Before we said our vows, the pastor's wife placed a beautiful bouquet in my hands.  After the ceremony, we all celebrated and marked the occasion with traditional wedding pictures.

The Marriage Song
If you fall in love, is marriage the next step?
Is it possible along the way you'll need God's help?
The future isn't always as we expect it to be.
The ups and downs can be like a stormy sea.
Our hopes are always big as we start out.
Along the way storms can toss us about.
How we deal with adversity becomes our true test.
If you trust in God, you'll be blessed.
 He'll be with you no matter what comes along.
Life will be sweeter as you sing your marriage song.
                              Patricia Westbrook
"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his path."  (Proverbs 16:9, NKJV).



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