
     In the sixties, we trusted people and never locked our doors.  Therefore, the milkman always had access to deliver our milk.  One cool fall morning, my husband and children went on an outing.  Because I had a migraine, I stayed home in my pajamas and went back to bed.  When the phone rang, I jumped up and rushed to the dining room.  As I picked it up, I looked toward the kitchen.  There stood our milkman with his back toward me putting milk in the refrigerator.  Without saying a word, I quietly hung up the phone and returned to the bedroom.  As I closed the door, I prayed he had not seen me.


Who are we to trust in this world today?

It's hard to know as we go along life's way.

Maybe It's the man or woman down the street.

Or perhaps It's a stranger your apt to meet.

The answer to my question is not very hard.

The Holy Spirit is a gift if you accept the Lord.

 So, discernment is yours as people come and go.

The tug in your heart will let you know.

Just trust in God as He watches from above.

He wants the best for you for He is love.

                                 Patricia Westbrook

     "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5, NKJV)


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