Fall Festival


       The Fall Festival was always a special time at my children's school.  One year, I agreed to dress up as a fortune teller.  I did my best to convince the children I knew their past and their future.  When one young girl sat across from me, I told her all about her hopes and dreams. It was easy since at one time I was young.  I knew I had been successful when I overheard her tell two of her friends, "She knew everything about me.  I don't know how, but she did."

He Knows Everything
A young man drove down a long dark road.
His heart was heavy because it carried a big load.
Not able to stand it any longer he hollered.
Tears streamed down his cheeks as he swallowed.
''Lord," he asked, "What am I going to do?
The Bible says You know everything; is that true?"
A small voice spoke inside his sad head.
You're right to think about the things you've read.
My Words are true and won't guide you wrong.
I've been right here with you all along.
Immediately he pulled over and parked the car.
He prayed, "Lord, I've drifted so far. 
Please take over with this mess I'm in.
Without You, there's no way I can win." 
The words he prayed came from his soul.
That's when he realized God's in control.
 With a change of heart, he continued on his way.
Now he planned to trust God each and every day.
                            Patricia Westbrook

     "Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you," (1 Peter 5:7, NKJV).


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