The Stranger

JT Westbrook
     "My daughter needs a brain operation the stranger explained.  In order to help pay for the procedure, I'm selling these cocoa bombs to put in a cup of hot milk.  The cost is only six dollars each."  Since we were in the church foyer, I assumed she was a church member.  After buying one, I gave it to a man standing behind me. 
     Moments later the associate pastor walked up and in a polite way began questioning the woman.  When he realized she wasn't a member, he told her she needed to attend the upcoming service.  After assuring him that once the remaining cocoa bombs were put in the car, she would be back.  She left the building never to be seen again.
     I told my daughter about the incident. Also, that I had given what I bought away.  She said, "Mom, you don't know what it had in it.  It could have killed him."  Thank goodness it didn't.  

The Stranger

I saw a stranger with ragged clothes walk into church today.

He sat across from me bowed his head and began to pray.

In my mind, I wondered if he were a member or not.

I had never seen him before, plus, he sat in another's spot.

At the end of the service, I welcomed him with a smile.

It didn't matter how he dressed since he was God's child.
                                           Patricia Westbrook

     "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."  (John 7:24, NKJV).


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