The Perpetrator

      Have you ever suspected someone of stealing?  After watching a woman in the grocery store look suspicious by checking all of the items but the one still in her shopping cart, those were my thoughts.  Two of the items already checked were like the one I suspected she might be trying to steal. Once she knew the total of her bill, she picked the item up, handed it to the checker, and asked for it to be taken off. I spoke up and said, "Ma'am, I'll pay for that.  They can put it on my bill." After giving me an odd look, she paid for her groceries, grabbed the receipt, and rushed out the door. Once my groceries were added up, the checker took a dollar seventy-nine cents off my total that would have been the woman's. I left the store totally confused.

The Perpetrator

Who is stealing in the night?

Do people steal in plain sight?

If seen, do we stop it?

Or do we look away while they profit?

Who pays for the things they do?

The perpetrator will that's true.

God knows when we commit a crime.

He deals with evil in His own time.

Judgment can be a harsh thing.

Yet repentance makes ones' heart sing.

     "You shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15, NKJV). 


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