The Music Director

 Aaron Perkins

    The bells rang out throughout the building.  Each note was crystal clear.  The choir sang in perfect harmony as the piano, drums, guitars, and horns chimed in. Aaron Perkins the music director at Woodland Hills Baptist Church came up with the perfect plan to put it all together.  Listening in the audience one has to wonder how so much talent can be displayed with such perfection.   

The Music Director

The music director has a song in his heart.

He's rested in the morning and seldom out of sorts.

The job he has is the perfect spot for him.

He prepares and searches for the perfect hymn.

So, if you are sad, take a que from this man.

Open your mouth and sing as loud as you can.

Your burden will seem lighter as you go about the day,

Perhaps then you can smile as you go along your way.

                          Patricia Westbrook

     "Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."  (Ephesians 5:19, NKJV).

Aaron Perkins quotes Psalms 91 often



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