
Showing posts from September, 2019

Trailer Trash

           Often when we moved from town to town, we pulled our three-bedroom, one bath 12 x 60 trailer house to the side of the road in order to check the tires. On one of our moves, while my husband checked things out, the children and I walked up a narrow country road with our dog.  After several minutes, I told the children to head back to the highway so we could continue on our way.  My daughter started down the road toward the trailer and hollered, "Let's go home." Her brothers followed jumping and running as boys will do.       Many times, we look down on people just because they are not like us.  They may not make as much money, dress the way we do, or even live in as nice a house as we do.  If living in a trailer house made us trailer trash, I'm proud.  For you see those seven years happen to be the happiest years of my life.  It didn't matter what other people thought. As long as we had love and a roof ...

9/11 Tragedy

     Many stories have come out of the horror of 9/11.  Here is mine.      My one week visit with my sister had come to an end.  On the morning of 9/11, I began my trip back to Texas. She and I got on a ferry to cross Lake Champlain in New York.  It didn't take long to go from Essex New York to Burlington Vermont.  Once we arrived at the airport, I walked to the American Airline desk to get my boarding pass to Boston then on to Texas.      The lady helping me said, "That's strange."      "What?" I asked.      She cleared her throat and continued, "It says here the plane is damaged. I'll have to give you a different boarding pass."      After she gave it to me, I sat down and waited for the boarding call. It seemed odd when I saw a United Airline plane pull away from the terminal then quickly return.  The passengers left the plane with concerned looks on their faces...