Mother Bear


Pat Westbrook

     I've never been afraid of living in the country.  Even the times the children and I found ourselves alone at night, I felt safe.  The night my husband went on a hunting trip, everything at home seemed normal.
     My two boys needed to go to the bathroom.  Since we had yet to put one in, I gave them a flashlight to see their way to the outhouse.  I told them I would wait for them on the porch so they wouldn't be afraid.
     For some reason I looked over at the garage.  Now our garage happened to be made of used sheet metal.  Many a nail had been driven into it making it easy for the wind to blow right through.  Just as I looked, I saw a flicker of light. I assumed someone lit a cigarette.
     Like a mother bear ready to protect her young, I went back into the house and got my husband's twenty two pistol.  Seconds later I returned and hollered.  "Boys get back here, and whoever is in the garage get out, and leave now or I'm going to fill it full of holes."  I then proceeded to shoot the gun three times into the air.  Like lightening the two boys ran past me and into the house.  After we locked up, the children gave me no argument about using the slop jar.

Mother Bear

Don't mess with Mother Bear's cubs.

She'll run you off or eat you for grub.

If you get too close, she'll fight

and claw you with all her might.

It's best to leave her cubs alone.

If not you'll wish you were gone.

                                   Patricia Westbrook


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