
     Each of us are given special people that influence our lives.  It may be a relative or a friend.  For me it was Grandma Appling.  She left this world at the age of ninety-seven.  I'm so thankful for the lessons she taught me. After she passed away, I found this letter among her possessions. Even though she borrowed the words from an unknown author, they expressed her true feelings.

Dear Pastor and Christian Friends and My Loved Kin,
     when you preach about heaven, I am interested in that land because I hold a clear title to a bit of property there ever since I was eleven years old.  I did not buy it.  It was given to me without money or price. But the donor purchased it for me at a tremendous sacrifice. I am not holding it for speculation since the title is not transferable.
     It is not a vacant lot. For many years I have been sending material out of which the greatest architect and builder of the universe has been building a home for me.  It will never need repair. It will fit me perfectly.  Termites cannot undermine it's foundation because it rest on the rock of ages.  Fire cannot destroy it and floods cannot wash it away. No locks or bolts will ever be placed on it's doors for no vicious person can ever enter that land where my dwelling stands. It is now almost completed and almost ready for me to enter and abide in peace.
     I cannot enter my home in that city of God without passing through that dark valley of deep shadows. But I am not afraid.  The best friend I ever had went through the same valley long, long ago and drove it's gloom away.  He has stuck by me through thick and thin since we first became acquainted years ago.  I have his promise in printed form that he will never forsake me or leave me alone.  He will be with me as I walk through the valley of shadow, and I will not lose my way when he is with me.
     I hope to meet you, my dear ones and dear friends, there some day. 
                                                                                                Vesta Appling


From her youth to the recesses of age, cotton fields surrounded her.

In memories of time, friends and family shared true love.

Mother, father, brothers and sister tripped through her mind,

and shook hands with those dead and alive.

Until God rocked her in his arms and took her home.

                               Patricia Westbrook



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