
According to an urban legend it is easier to balance an egg on it's end during the spring equinox. Also one can make a broom stand by itself during this time. Google says any day it can be done. Years ago one of my grandchildren called me on the phone and said, "Mups, today you can stand an egg on it's end and you can make a broom stand by itself." Being a person that is always ready to try something new, I worked for over an hour with several eggs. Since they wouldn't cooperate, I put that aside and moved on to the next challenge. First came the mop. It took patience to get it balanced. For awhile it stood and then it fell. Second I worked with a flag pole. Even though the flag hung a little to one side, it also stood up. As a final test, I tried the broom. To me if it stayed up, even for a short time, perhaps the myth is true. It worked. ...