The Fisherman of Men

JT Westbrook

     Patience has to be at the very core of a fisherman.  Because of the experiences I've had with my husband, I've come to that conclusion.  Fishing has never been my sport. Even so I went with him many times so he wouldn't have to go alone. My sport is swimming so, in warm weather, when we went fishing, I would wear my swimsuit under my clothes. On one fishing trip, we fished for schooling bass at Lake O' the Pines.  After an hour or so, I asked if he cared if I went for a swim. He said, "Sure go ahead." I swam about thirty minutes while he fished on the opposite side of the boat.  Now you and I know, he didn't expect to catch any fish during that time.  Regardless he indulged me.
     On another fishing trip, we went to Island View at the same lake.  The bright sun caused the water to sparkle like the twinkling of small blue diamonds. Since my hobby is photography, I asked my husband if he would mind dropping me off at the island so I could take some pictures. Not only did he take me there he helped me get out of the boat.  As he sped away, he waved and like Arnold Schwarzenegger he hollered, "I'll be back." During my wonderful afternoon of exploring and taking pictures, not once did I worry that he wouldn't return. For you see in my mind, most fishermen are not only patient they are honest.                       

The Fisherman of Men

Once a man lived called a fisherman of men.

Thousands of years ago is how long it's been.

He walked this earth patiently sharing his love.

Many people didn't believe he came from above.

He showed signs of wonder and things hard to believe.

Many plotted against him in order to deceive.

He died on a cross an excruciating painful death.

For me and you he took his last breath.

The Son of God said He would be back one day.

So, I'm waiting on earth, and each day I pray.

I want my friends and family to love him too.

For the bible says, God's word is true.

                                                         Patricia Westbrook                                        


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