Face Your Hardships

Several times a week a man in a wheel chair sits by the side of the road a block from my house. He doesn't have a sign asking for money, but I feel that is why he's there. Our city officials have asked the citizens not to give money to panhandlers. Even so, one day I stopped my car in front of him, lowered my window and made sure he saw the money in my hand. He rolled up to the car. Without thinking I cleared my throat and asked, "Hi, do you know where you're going when you die?" (By all accounts, that is a strange thing to ask a person looking for a handout.) He looked startled. "I know all about the Bible and Jesus." My next question surprised even me. "Can't you find work?" He thought a minute and said, "I don't have legs. I guess I could work in an office but if I do I'll lose my disability check." After giving him the money, I left him with t...