Face Your Hardships

     Several times a week a man in a wheel chair sits by the side of the road a block from my house.  He doesn't have a sign asking for money, but I feel that is why he's there. Our city officials have asked the citizens not to give money to panhandlers.  Even so, one day I stopped my car in front of him,  lowered my window and made sure he saw the money in my hand. He rolled up to the car. Without thinking I cleared my throat  and asked, "Hi, do you know where you're going when you die?" (By all accounts, that is a strange thing to ask a person looking for a handout.) 

     He looked startled. "I know all about the Bible and Jesus."

     My next question surprised even me.  "Can't you find work?"

     He thought a minute and said, "I don't have legs.  I guess I could work in an office but if I do I'll lose my disability check."

     After giving him the money, I left him with these words. "See you in Heaven."

     By contrast there is a young man working in a restaurant I go to frequently.  He also is in a wheelchair and always has a smile.  He's a hard worker and is good at his job. When I go there and he waits on me, I feel blessed. Not being able to walk hasn't held him back.  One day I put his tip in an Easter pamphlet. "If I give you this, will you promise to read it?"

     With a sparkle in his eyes, he replied, "I sure will."

Face Your Hardships

Lives can go in different directions.

Many people try to reach perfection.  

Regardless of what happens in life,

We aren't guaranteed there will be no strife.

A good attitude makes all the difference.

Make the Bible your place of reference.

Face your hardships and do your best.

That's when you'll be truly blessed.

                     Patricia Westbrook

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path." (Proverb's 3:5,6 KJV)


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