What If

Patricia and Sharol

     In the late forties, after the machine gun was banned, who would have thought one would show up in the small Texas town of Tahoka.  To my family's surprise, it did in my stepfather's possession.  That was the last thing my mother ever expected him to bring home.  He came into the house all excited and insisted we all go with him to shoot it.  So, we piled into his car, and he drove to a field several miles outside of town.  When we got out of the car, he propped the gun on a fence post and fired.  With our hands over our ears, we watched the dust fly into the air as the bullets sprayed across the dirt. 

     The next day he took it with him to the radio and television repair shop where he worked.  We never knew how he got it or where it went.  There is one thing I learned from that experience. Just because something is banned doesn't mean a person can't get hold of it.  Also, I was having a lot more fun playing cowboy and Indians at home than watching him shoot the machine gun.

What If

Just like the machine gun, what if the Bible were banned?

If your boss saw you reading one, would you be canned?

Would you take it home to your family and read a verse?

Or would you be afraid of getting a ticket or something worse?

What if everyone knew the Bible is the greatest truth ever heard,

And their faith In God was strong enough to trust in His word?

That in itself would change the world as we know it today.

For then we each would gladly get on our knees to pray.

                                   Patricia Westbrook 

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32, NKJV).


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