Happy Not Afraid

    JT Westbrook stationed at Fort Hood.
     A fence separated the fort from Killeen.

    The preacher stood on the corner hollering, "Do not vote for liquor to be sold in Killeen." If the soldiers wanted to buy beer, they had to drive to Temple, Texas.  Since many of them didn't have transportation, they spent a lot of their time in town.  One of their favorite spots to gather was in front of the two theaters on main street. Never once did I walk in front of them when I got off work between eight and nine at night and walked home.  Instead, I went down the alley behind the theaters.  I didn't want them to know I was alone.  If no one was home when I got there, I would open the door and holler "All right! Come on out! I know you're in there!" I didn't fear the soldiers scattered all over town.  However, going into a dark apartment by myself, is another matter. 

Happy Not Afraid

I saw a man as happy as he could be.

He didn't have a reason that I could see.

The men that were after him had not been caught.

So, he should have been afraid, or so I thought.

Until he explained the reason for his special joy,

 I didn't understand and thought it was a ploy.

With pride he took a Bible out of his pocket.

He said, "This book talks about Isaiah an ancient prophet.

He correctly prophesied about our Savior named Jesus.

My joy comes from the way the Lord sees us."

I asked, "What about the men who are after you?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I really don't have a clue."

                                     Paticia Westbrook

     "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10, NKJV),


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