The Song

Natalie Westbrook 

     At the Post, Texas rodeo, my girlfriend and I sat on the fence close to where the horses came out of the chute.  After a while, I excused myself and headed toward the bathroom. On the way back, four boys walking several feet behind me started singing the lyrics of a nineteen fifties popular song. Embarrassed, I hurried as fast as I could to where my friend was.  When I climbed back on the fence, she asked, "What's wrong?  Your face is beet red."  I turned and pointed toward the boys that had been following me.  "See those boys over there?  They were singing that new song 'Short Fat Fanny.' I knew I shouldn't have worn these Levi jeans tonight."  She laughed and said, "Don't be silly.  They were just teasing you."  I nodded, "Maybe so but I didn't like it." From that point on I became more concerned about how I looked in the clothes I wore.  

The Song

Some boys sung a song just to tease.

Then they heard an angel in the gentle breeze.

They stopped to listen to the words he said.

As they did, they each bowed their head.

The angel told them of a Savior born long ago.

He came to the world to save their soul.

When the wind blew the blessed words away,

They accepted Jesus and went on their way.

Never again did they sing a song to tease.

Now they have a Savior they want to please.

                            Patricia Westbrook

"...........Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith----the salvation of your souls."  (1 Peter 1:8-9, NKJV).



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