When I Die


     Bringing a creature back to life can be quite an experience.  When my son's hamster was operated on, we forgot to take the running wheel out of his cage. The morning after the operation, to our horror, he died.  Feeling compassion for my son, I decided to bring the poor thing back to life.  I put him in the palm of my hand and blew in his face.  His cheeks spread out full of air.  I then proceeded to take one finger and tap on his chest.  After several minutes, he responded.  With a squeak, he lifted his head. If I tried to touch him, he would bare his teeth at me.  Two hours later he once again died.  I felt bad about putting the dear pet through a second death.  I realize now that there are times, we need to just let things be.

God's Will

When I die where will I go?

I really would like to know.

If I'm planted in the ground,

Is that where I'll be found?

Could there be life after death?

Can I live after my last breath?

The perfect plan has been devised.

If I follow it, I'll be alive.

I shouldn't take it lightly to heart.

Believing in Jesus is a start.

Trusting and obeying is also needed.

Then at last, I will have succeeded.

So, Heaven is the place I'll be.

It's God's will for you and me.

                   Patricia Westbrook

     "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  (John 3:16, KJV)



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