Dust to Dust

          "Put the person you are having a problem with in an imaginary balloon," the leader of the Adult Children of Alcoholics Class said. "Then you blow it up, let it rise into the air, and pop it with a BB gun." One lady spoke up and shared that in her mind she took care of the antagonistic people in her life by putting them up in the branches of a tree at Gladewater Lake.  I came up with my own way to cope.  If something is bothering me, I write and I write until I can write no more.  Afterwards I burn the pages and put them in a bottle.  I now have two bottles of ashes on my kitchen window seal.  If the problem reappears, I look at the ashes and know it has been dealt with.

  Dust to Dust

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust so the saying goes.

People ponder what it means but does anyone really know.

Something burnt up is no longer in existence as it was.

Each day the nature of life changes according to its laws.

Unlike ashes, dust talked about in the Bible is you and me.

God formed Adam from earth causing our existence to be.

 So, if someone gives you a problem and you're at your wits end,

Find a way to forgive and let it go like dust blowing in the wind. 

                                        Patricia Westbrook

      "All go to one place; all are from the dust, and all go to dust."  (Ecclesiastes 3:20, NKJV).



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