The Middle of the Night

Sharol Lawson and Grandmother Appling 

        In 1945 mom and dad got a divorce leaving mom to care for three small children by herself.  My younger brother went to live with my grandparents on their farm until he was old enough to go to school.  Many times, I would visit them and enjoy the love they doted on us. When grandmother died and people came to the visitation, my brother told one of our friends that I was mean to him as a child. I asked him why he said that.  He replied, "Because grandmother told me."

      After the funeral, at the grave side service, we stood talking to the same friend.  Confused I said, "Sharol, what did I do that made you think I was mean to you?" 

     He chuckled, "When I played marbles you would walk across the floor and walk away with my marbles between your toes."

     The laughter from our friend and myself filled the afternoon air.  I told him I was sorry and made it a point to send him bag of marbles when I got home.   

The Middle of the Night

If I tell you a story that Jesus is coming back,

You might say I've lost my marbles which isn't a fact.

Prophesy is encouraging because it's for me and you.

Read your Bible and learn what's about to come-true.  

Time has shown many things have already been fulfilled.

The past is true for the future, so we'll see God's will. 

If you've accepted Christ, everything will be alright.

Jesus is coming back perhaps in the middle of the night.

                             Patricia Westbrook

      "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am you may be also."  (John 14:3, NKJV).



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