He Still Loves Me
Roy Lynn Westbrook Shock is the word for what my next to the oldest son revealed to me. He said, "As a teenager, two of my friends spent the night with me. When you and dad went to bed, we decided to go to the liquor store and buy some beer. We drank the beer and decided it wasn't for us. One of the boys threw up on the couch pull out bed. Didn't you wonder why we were washing sheets the next morning? Besides mom, I felt like you would prefer for me to drink my first beer at home." I told him from now on not to tell me things he had done in the past that I would not approve of be cause I couldn't do anythin g about it now. What I would advise parents of today is n ever underestimate what your children will do while you are sleeping. He Still Loves Me God knows my past and yet he still loves me. He holds my right hand as tight as can be. He forgave all the bad things I've done, By the crucifixion of Jesus His Son. When I accepted Him by ...