The Joy in One's Heart

Roy Westbrook

     Before our trip to Tahoka, Texas for my grandfather's funeral, my son was selected to cook hamburgers for lunch since he worked at Whataburger.  He was proud to show off his cooking skills.  When the time came to eat, we all sat down at the table.  After I finished my burger, all the children began to laugh.  Confused I asked what was so funny.  One of them spoke up and said, "Roy showed us how he cooked the meat at work.  When he cooked yours, he flipped it into the air, and it stuck on the ceiling.  We had to peel it off."  Since it tasted delicious and didn't kill me, I laughed with them.

The Joy in One's Heart

Often things happen and others laugh at your expense.

Do you grin and bear it or go on the defense?

Sometimes what's going on you just can't escape.

What happens if it's really more than you can take?

The joy in one's heart can come from the Lord.

Relax, be calm, and don't take life so hard.

                          Patricia Westbrook 

     "......................The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10, NKJV).


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